whirling of shaft apparatus

whirling of shaft apparatus

The unit consists of a main spindle driven by a variable speed motor. Three different governor assemblies can be mounted over the spindle. A with pointer measures the lift of the governor. Students can calculate characteristics of governor at and compare their performance viz. Sensitiveness, stability, governor effort etc.

Specifications of whirling of shaft apparatus:

1.Governor assemblies – Hartnell, porter & propel governor assembly one each with rotating weights.
2.Variable speed FHP D.C. motor to drive the main spindle.
3.Sliding weights for porter & proell governor.
4.Scale & a pointer to measure governor lift.
5.Spring & Spring compression adjustment arrangement.
6.A technical manual accompanies the unit.

Services require for whirling of shaft apparatus:

1.230V, 5A, AC supply connection. 2.Bench area of 0. 75 x 1m. at working height.